Tuesday, 13 January 2009

Introduction to our methods

Today I am posting the first of the introductions to some of the core methods of our emerging practice. Feel free to extend upon these, or comment, or ask questions. It can all be done on this site.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is great to see how the threads of anti-psychiatry are still woven into your work. The term anti-psychiatry suddenly strikes me as negative - it's really a pro-human approach. I am also thrilled to find you studied with RD Laing. I know he was terribly influential but I had no idea you actually studied with him. WOW. His work still means a lot to me - just yesterday I commented on some tortuous double-bind calling it "a RD Laing knot." Well, this is very exciting for me taking me back to my formative years. And formative they were indeed - I am still processing them!